Equine Art 2005
Emerald Downs - Auburn, WA
July 14 - 17, 2005
Pre-Teen & Children's Division

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Group Shot 2 Home Stretch at Emerald Downs_A.Werkema Race Rider_Maelfeyt Racing the Rainbow_Berry Small Town Hero_H.Harfst
Group Shot 2 Home Stretch at Emerald Downs_A.Werkema Race Rider_Maelfeyt Racing the Rainbow_Berry Small Town Hero_H.Harfst
Stallion of Many Lines_L.Harfst Temptation_Berry The Phantom_L.Harfst Trojan_Campbell United We Stand_H.Harfst
Stallion of Many Lines_L.Harfst        Temptation_Berry The Phantom_L.Harfst Trojan_Campbell United We Stand_H.Harfst
Winter Morning Fog_L.Harfst

Not pictured:

Clay necklace
by Kali Rengstorff

Not pictured:

Clay sculpture
by Taylor Rengstorff

Winter Morning Fog_L.Harfst