Griffin Place proudly sponsors Equine Art Kids Division 2004. Click images to enlarge...


Placing Artist


Name of piece
1st Place Lloyd E. Berry 11 Horses of Many Colors
2nd Place Emerald Adams 11 Smarty Takes the Lead
3rd Place Hauke Harfst 8 Sunday Walk
Honorable Mention - Listed in order by name. Autumn Adams 7 Black Beauty, Dream Pony, Spotted Pony
Emerald Adams 11 Black Stallion, Horse Feathers
Lloyd E. Berry 11 The Four Winds
Matthew Bowen 7 One Man's Trash, Whisper
Elaina Cepeda 8 Cookie
Hauke Harfst 8 And Down The Stretch They Come, Dinner Time, Noontime Dreamer
Leif Harfst 10

Prince, The Champion, We Did It!, Welsh Pony

Katie Johnson 12 Sable
McKinley Johnson 8 Breakfast Time
Kathleen Shipley 10 Horse Point
Olivia Soderstrom Stocker 4 Red Horse